actress, entrepreneur, and mother Today at 50+ years (64 for to be specific), Michelle Pfeiffer undoubtedly has good genes, but could her cool attitude to ageing and her approach to life be the real 'beauty' of her? She's an advocate for clean beauty and recently visited Capital Hill, Washington DC. to lobby for cosmetic labelling reform. Go girl! She uses non toxic, cruelty-free products everyday, unless she is working. "When I’m in the makeup chair, I just let the artist have her way with me. I’ve tried asking a few to use clean or organic makeup, and they look at me like I have three heads,” she says. The industry is still slow to the party, sadly. Less is more She describes her skin routine as very simple. "I cleanse, I moisturise—that’s it.” She's singing our tune! “I certainly see that I’ve changed. I just try not to dwell on it. Ageing happens to every single one of us. Once you accept that it unburdens you.” MP's says she just wants to age gracefully and "doesn't want to ever look like a wax figure of myself”. As y, MP! She hasn't however ruled out plastic surgery. "I think that it’s harder and harder the older you get to say never. Especially being in the public eye." The pressure! Sad, huh?! Is Merit Minimalist Perfecting Complexion Foundation and Concealer Stick. MP uses this to conceal spots and even her complexion when she's on the go. It's not available in AU from what I can see. Embrace Ageing She says attractiveness and beauty has more to do with the way you feel about yourself. “How often have you met a person who may not look like a Barbie or Ken doll but just has something sexy and classy about them?" 100P agree, MP! Enhancements She hasn't however ruled out plastic surgery. "I think that it’s harder and harder the older you get to say never. Especially being in the public eye." The pressure! Sad, huh?! Always has one in her handbag Is Merit Minimalist Perfecting Complexion Foundation and Concealer Stick. MP uses this to conceal spots and even her complexion when she's on the go. It's not available in AU from what I can see. Beauty philosophy She says attractiveness and beauty has more to do with the way you feel about yourself. “How often have you met a person who may not look like a Barbie or Ken doll but just has something sexy and classy about them?" 100P agree, MP!