front-liners giveaway!

front-liners giveaway!


Long-life-story version below OR
For get-to-the-point version, scroll ↓ to ❤️

Driving in the sunshine ☀️ with not an eye roll or sound of utter exasperation in sight 🚸 my escape from isolation, (to get my first jab) was giving off serious vacay vibes 🏝 Getting scuffled into lifts, down white corridors to various checkpoints by masked people, had more of a sci-fi/SGJR vibe! 😵 Perhaps being holed up with my rumbustious teens (healthy teens 🙏), wasn’t so bad?!

I thanked the nurse, (who was trying to find my deltoid) 😐💉, for looking after me, and the hundreds of others that were systemised in groups around me. The nurse stopped with my arm, made eye contact and said “Thank you. Thank you for saying that. Travelling to work this morning, I got on the bus wearing my scrubs and got dirty looks from different groups on the bus.” You think they felt that you were ‘exposing’ them? I said. Nurse responded "Yeah, they clearly don’t want me on their bus."

Arh 😔 I felt really upset that the nurse felt like an outcast. As if the physical discomfort and distress from her job wasn’t bad enough 😳👩🏻‍⚕️


Okay, so this might not cause a epic movement toward the recognition of frontline workers 🤔😜 but it could make a handful of them feel a little appreciated.


▹We have 10 x Skincare Hero Sets to giveaway and we need you to help us choose them.
▹Know someone working on the C-19 frontline? In a vaccination centre or ward, a receptionist, cleaner or police officer?
▹Someone that doesn’t get to isolate safely and are highly exposed doing their job .



Vegan Face Cleanser

Vegan Face Moisturiser

★ Mini Makeup bag

★ Tips on preventing/treating maskse

★ Courier delivery



Visit the giveaway post in instagram or facebook

Comment below by either:

⨠ tagging your hero (if you know their handle); or

⨠ write their first name only, job, and the name of the centre/area they work.



We'll be randomly selecting 10 winners on Wed morning @ 9am. We’ll contact the nominator/nominee via DM to get details and organise delivery to your hero.

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