Our incredible earth needs your love and help.

Our incredible earth needs your love and help.

Scientists say if we all pull together and start making changes right now, we’re in with a good chance of preventing irreversible damage. Making some tweaks in how we do things in our everyday lives will make a difference.  Educating and making achievable changes within our families (no matter how big or small) is a big help. 
Here’s 8 easy eco tips to help save the 🌏 
  • 🌱 Buy from eco-friendly brands (like NEEK) 
  • 🌱 Recycle in the right bin 
  • 🌱 Get yourself a reusable water bottle, coffee cup & shopping bags 
  • 🌱 Ditch face & baby wipes. 
  • 🌱 Go vintage.  Sell, swap or buy from op shops. 
  • 🌱 Drive less. Walk, bike & carpool more. It’s fun! 
  • 🌱 Meat Free Mondays! - Go meat free one day a week. 
  • 🌱 Spread the word.  Get family and friends on board.

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