Are you sleeping with the enemy?

Are you sleeping with the enemy?

If sleeping with this spunk-rat made your skin age 7 times faster, would you still do it? 👀 Would you?! Well, our jury is still out on this one 😜. Apparently this is the case if you sleep with your makeup on! Porky pie, wives??tale, whatever, the reality is that makeup can hold free radicals which break down collagen causing skin ageing, pimples, irritation and dull looking skin. It?? super important to remove eye makeup as it holds bacteria and can lead to blocked hair follicles and oil glands leading to pink eye or something worse. When you're feeling super lazy, even a quick 1 minute cleanse and splash of water will help to reduce bacteria. So when it comes to 💤, we say NO to makeup (and YES to Brad)😉 💕.

And if you're looking for a good vegan, organic active cleanser, there?? one Brad, Ange, Jen and everyone keeps raving about. Oh what?? it called? Uh, oh yeah! Miss Divine Active Cleanser.

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